The Natural Bottle


Plastic waste, poor collection & recycling, and lack of access to safe water are among the biggest challenges to nature and human health.



Since the dawn of the new millennium, over half of all plastics have been produced, and most have ended up as waste. The Natural Bottle arose from a necessity — to stop this tide.

Our Philosophy

We believe in safeguarding both nature and human health, which are jeopardized by the plastic crisis.

CEO of Shell

Future Vision

We are not just stopping with bottles. Our goal is to revolutionize packaging and recycling practices globally.

Our Team

George Bos


Niels Everaert


Marc Matthijs


Maurice Weber


Dr. Martijn Dekker

Technical Advisor

Erik Huis

Scale Up Leader Advisor

Dr. Tim Börner

Technical Advisor

Helena Wasserman

Advisor Investor Relations

Niels Bot, Mba

Market Intelligence

Hugo Berkhout

Former Senator


Product Developer

Joop Lemmes

Technical Support

Martin Vröch

Technical Support

Robert M. Bryniak


Mohammad Awais

Digital Support

Jennibeth Paglinawan

Graphic Designer


The Plastic Predicament

Plastic waste, poor collection & recycling, and lack of access to safe water are among the biggest challenges to nature and human health


Less than 10% of all plastics are recycled, while production and waste continue to surge.

Packaging Problem

Plastics, especially PET bottles, are non-biodegradable, yet 36% of all plastics are used just for packaging.

About Bottle


Plastic is a global problem

1.5 billion plastic water bottles are consumed every day

It takes 700 years until a plastic water bottle is biodegraded

60% of all plastic ends up in landfill or the environment

1 million plastic water bottles are bought per minute, 90% of these are not recycled

Driven by the passion to help solve the big challenges of our time, while reshaping supply chains

Become a part of the Solution

Embrace The Natural Bottle and turn the tide on plastic pollution

Addressing the Challenge

The Natural Bottle introduces a sustainable packaging solution that’s fully biodegradable and recyclable, setting a new standard for the industry.


Largest deal in recorded history, City of the Future”, resulting in start of deal trajectory. NDA is signed and we are in discovering stage for supply.

President of Costa Rica

Meeting with the president of Costa Rica to align ambitious harmful plastic reduction goals.

CEO of Shell

Resulting in email contact with senior advisor to enroll us in startup programs of Shell,
due to their 44 thousand service stations.

President of Pakistan

Meeting with the president of Pakistan to align ambitious harmful plastic reduction goals.